Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Game Plan Progress

I feel pretty good in that this week I have taken some time to speak with my director of technology with regard to setting up a walled classroom environment for the students in my classroom to establish personal and acceptable mathematical blogs and RSS feeders so that they can monitor each others blogs. We're trying to set up a place on the district server that is secure and accessible from home. I know that there are public sites that are devoted to such practices, but I am trying to keep the interactions that my students initially partake within the walls of the district. In this way, we may begin to create a dialogue with regard to writing prompts and problem solving techniques.

Further, I am working to establish funding so that my class might have a voice thread account. I found this tool to be exceptionally helpful last year and would like to establish a dedicated space for saving of my student's voice threads.

I'm still looking for sites that really narrow down project based learning with regard to seventh grade standards. I really believe that there must exist ideas that I can use to springboard my creativity. I continue to add to my delicious bookmarks and accumulate items, but I am constantly looking for other shared spaces where I might seek 7th grade mathematics style projects. Please feel free to share!


  1. Looks to me you are on a ball when it comes to meeting your goals in you GAME plan. I like you idea of placing the RSS feeds on the district server. I also like how you plan to use voice threads in your classroom. I enjoyed using them too last year. I plan to use podcast in my classroom this school year, but may have to move towards voice threads because I lack the equipment needed for creating podcast. Well good luck and I hope you reach your goals.

    Victoria Osborn

  2. I agree! It seems that you are well on your way to achieveing you goals. Once introduced to VoiceThread, I can see where it definitely has its benefits in the classroom I hope that you can obtain the funding. I also have just started using Delicious and it seems to be a great tool! Good luck with your plan!

  3. That sounds like great progress towards creating an environment to support blog use in your classroom. You are really taking a hand in using the available technology. I'm sure your students will appreciate that.

  4. I look forward to using the voice threads again this year, but I'm even more interested in using screen casts as part of my students ability to communicate. This tool accommodates students that experience difficulty with the written word.

  5. The funding for voice thread is substantial, and I hope that I receive it as well. It has just occurred to me that if I do not get it from the district that I could put in for a PTO grant to fund this tool for my classroom.
