Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I feel that my game plan has finally gained direction this week. As I watched the video presentation, I was rapidly bookmarking sites. I have a lot to look into still, but at least I have a place to look. ePals, Moodle, Wiggio and Ning all interest me greatly, but Ning appears to be what I have been looking for. Of course, I need to secure some funds, but since the price is so low, It shouldn't be a problem. I really look forward to having some real educational networking established inside and outside of my classroom, and I now feel that Ive got some places to begin.


  1. What a giant sigh of relieve and excitement you must have at finding Ning! I know your thoughts have digressed as we continue on this journey of ours and I am glad you finally feel excited to have something YOU can use!!

  2. I am so happy that you have found sites that will work with your students. How do you plan on getting funds for this?

  3. Great question Sarah!

    Ning is only about $3 a month, so I should be able to work that into my $150 math budget. Other applications can be paid for with a PTO grant. Year after year, in my building, funds go un-claimed because people simply don't ask. So I'm going to ask. I also know that my principal and Technology Superintendent know how actively I am searching for tech resources. Their support in the past has been very substantial.

  4. It sounds like you are on your way to meeting all of your goals! I like that you threw out some websites in your blog, I am going to check them out and hopefully I can also use them in some way! Thanks.

  5. I have never even thought about funding... that is a good point you bring up. I have been looking at FREE resources, but that may be limiting me. Thanks for bringing that up. You seem so 'put together" and ready to tackle ANY technology... I wish you could bottle some of that and send it to me! : )
